What is a full service publisher?

From the typing of the manuscript to the marketing, to the distribution of the publication, this is the responsibility of a full-service publisher.  Most authors know little about publishing and do not care to learn.  Their concern is writing a quality work and having a professional handle all of the other details.  If an author does want to become involved in all of the above details, then, most times, s/he does not consult a full-service publisher.  Robbie Dean Press, as a full-service publisher, will be with the author for the life of the work.

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What does distributing services mean?

Most distributors take a large financial “cut” out of the money due an author.  This cut is in addition to the amount afforded the publisher, printer, etc.  This is not the case with Robbie Dean Press.  The cost of distributing is embedded in the cost of every package/plan.

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Why is layout important?

Will the book be 8 1/2 x 11 or 5 x 8?  Will the book be set up landscape or portrait?  What font is best?  Should there be a combination?  What layout format will be most cost-effective?  All of these details the full-service publisher knows and will consider when setting up your book.

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If you edit my text will it change completely?

Some authors think this means that his/her work will be totally changed by the publisher. No, this is not true for Robbie Dean Press.  The publisher and author will collaborate.  The publisher will work to maintain and enhance the voice of the author.

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Who will do the design for my cover?

Many times, it is very difficult for an author to find an artist who will put forth a design with which s/he is satisfied. Robbie Dean Press has two artists. Both are quite capable in designing a cover that is very traditional or quite avante garde. They are experienced in using different media. And, of course, Robbie Dean Press will work as athe liaison between the author and the artist. Furthermore, both professional artists are quite aware of the appropriate dimenstions required by the publishing industry.

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Can I market my own book at conventions?

Some Robbie Dean Press authors have made presentations at conventions. They can be assured that their books will arrive at the convention in a timely manner.  And if they are in need of any brochures or other advertising materials, Robbie Dean Press will provide them.

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On which bookstores can I find Robbie Dean Press books?

We are proud to say that Robbie Dean Press publications are available at the following locations:

  • Barnes and Noble
  • Borders
  • Newsletters.com  (electronic publications)
  • eBay.com
  • Amazon.com

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