Each option is at no cost to the educator.
Option A
Robbie Dean Press will provide the following services:
- Typing
- Editing
- Layout
- Printing
- Cover Design two-color glossy, if desired
- Advertisement on website and via brochures, etc. (unlimited number)
- Distribution
- Submission to US Registry of Deeds for copyright
- Royalty:10%; after the sale of 2,000 copies – 20%
What is required of the author? S/he must guarantee a sale of 200 books per year for the first three years of the publication. S/he cannot modify the publication during this first three-year period. The only way a major change can occur is if the instructor plans for the work to be available only electronically; changes, then, can be made in a timely manner.
Option B
If an instructor wishes to have a course packet put together with a professional appearance, s/he may utilize the same services as listed above in Option A, excluding the submission for copyright. Furthermore, the author can modify the packet at the end of every full school year (September to June).
Royalty:10%; after the sale of 2,000 copies – 20%
What is required of the author? S/he must guarantee a sale of 200 packets per year for the first three years of the publication.
Note: The instructor must have copyright releases for the reprinting of materials
Option C
An instructor may extract any materials from a Robbie Dean Press publication and place in his/her book or course packet with no charge to the author. All other provisions of either Option A or Option B will apply depending on if the publication is a book or course packet.
Royalty:10%; after the sale of 2,000 copies – 20%
All books or course packets can be made available via electronic distribution, if the instructor requests.
Some of Our Past Publications
Propaganda American Style
About The Book
In order for those of us who are students of the world to be more than automatons not questioning anything read or heard, we need to develop critical thinking skills. To be effective contributing citizens of the world, it is crucial that we question things told to us when and know how to research and consider more than one side to an issue. Unfortunately, that is not what many of us have done;
Post-Colonial Pedagogy
About The Book
This is a ground-breaking work that addresses and challenges every teacher of English composition who is committed to preventing a cultural underclass of writers of the English language. It is a collection of essays. Fourteen scholars, including the author, from different academic institutions, share research that has helped them shape their pedagogy and methodology regarding the teaching of students, which is a significant population, whose first language is not the Standard English dialect.