Linguistics for College Freshmen and Sophomores: Non Majors Welcomed!
by Gregory Shafer, Ph.D.
ISBN: 1-889743-53-4
Author: Gregory Shafer, Ph.D.
Publisher: Robbie Dean Press
ISBN: 1-889743-53-4
No. of Pages: 135
Index: No
Table of Contents: Yes
Binding: Soft cover, perfect bound
Last Update: 2006
Volume Discounts: Yes, call to inquire
Shipping Time: 2-5 Days
Price: $24.95
About the Book
For too long the study of language has been approached as the same dread that one confronts having a root canal. This attitude prevents students from delving into the facts about linguistics and the trust about speech acquisition and dialect development. This book serves as an introductory survey. It touches upon issues and offers a background for further study. This work endeavors to reveal the relevance of language, so others may explore this profession with more zest and commitment. This is one of the first texts for underclassmen/women that provides an intelligent, thorough, challenging, and lucid study of language.
About the Author
Dr. Shafer is a professor at Mott Community College in Flint, Michigan. He has also been the president of the Michigan Council for the Teachers of English. And most recently, Dr. Shafer’s “Composition for the Twenty-first Century,” published originally in English Journal, has been purchased by the Baltimore County School System as part of its teacher-training program. Dr. Shafer is committed to encourage “writing when it is good and meaningful, is not about instructors but about their students and the rediscovery of writing’s liberating potential.”
This is his second publication. His first is Process and Voice.